1. OMS Power Training And Research Institute is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups, and rejects discrimination on racial grounds (caste, colour, creed, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins). It also rejects discrimination on other invidious grounds (such as gender, sexual orientation, age or disability) as incompatible with the purposes of the Institute, through its policies and practice, seeks to promote equality of opportunity in all aspects of its activity.
2. The Institute�s approach towards ensuring equality of opportunity, including the racial, gender, and disability, equality policies here stated, is to meet the law�s requirements to fulfil its general and specific race equality duties and develop and implement appropriate race, gender and disability equality schemes. It also has a wider and deeper commitment: to be an institution in which knowledge and learning are pursued in a spirit of collaboration and full mutual respect in a humane and fair environment and there is genuine equality of opportunity in relation to its employed staff.
3. In deciding on selection to its Trainee, the Institute has regard only to scholarly ability and to any other criterion its Statutes declare to be relevant to the particular category of Studentship. In considering applications for the employment of staff, conditions of employment, and all other decisions relating to the employment of an individual, the Institute has regard solely to the individual merits of applicants and employees, assessed by criteria relevant to the duties of the post.
4. The Institute�s regulations and its terms of employment forbid all forms of harassment and victimization and make specific provision for receiving complaints and for following them up either by conciliation and other informal means or, where appropriate, by disciplinary proceedings.
5. The duties of the Principal and Administrator include:
- To assess the impact of the Institute�s policies, including its racial, gender, and disability equality policies, on Trainees and staff and, where applicable, other Visiting Faculty or public visiting the Institute;
- to lead on the development of the Institute�s racial, disability, and gender equality schemes;
- to monitor (by reference to racial groups, disability, and gender) in so far as it is practicable without compromising the individual�s right to privacy in a small organization, the recruitment and of Trainees, Visiting Faculty, and the recruitment and career progress of staff; and
- To report annually on these matters to the General Purposes Committee, which will report on these matters to the Governing Body?
6. This statement on racial and other equality policies is published on the Institutes� website and is notified to Trainees and to staff. . The same arrangements will apply to the results of the annual assessment and monitoring which will be published on the Institute�s website.
The institute is capable of providing trainings as per syllabus framed by CEA, Skill India on Thermal power/Solar power, Simulator, Safety etc. Its accomplices are given below.
- Completed 27 batches of LONG TERM (7 months) training as per CEA syllabus on Thermal power and Solar power.
- Completed training on T&D as per CEA syllabus (Schedule-I & II) to Engineers of M/s Adityabirla group at Hindalco industries, Hirakud, UAIL-Tikiri, Rayagada.
- Refreshers short duration onsite training given to Engineers of Tata power at Kalinganagar, Jajpur, Meenakshi Power-Nellore, Bharat-Oman refineries Ltd.-Bina), Monnet power, Avantha power-Chhatishgarh, Dainik Bhaskar-Chhatishgarh, Bhusan power-Angul energy ltd.-Angul, LANCO Power, Nav Bharat ventures-Angul, IFFCO-Paradeep, IB Thermal power station-Jharsuguda, Tata Steel-Kalinga nagar, Angul Energy Ltd. etc.
- Refreshers short duration training at our institute (OMSPTRI) to corporate engineers like MECON on “Advanced Gas turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plant”, GAIL (Gas Authority of India Ltd.) on “ O&M of Steam Turbine”, NALCO Captive Power plant-Angul, Korean Power, Bhubaneshwar Power Pvt. Ltd.
- Training on Specialized subject on “STEAM TURBINE GOVERNING SYSTEM” to Engineers of different company.
- Skill Development programs on ROOF TOP SOLAR to entrepreneurs and ITI technicians, sponsored by Skill India.
- SIMULATOR Training on Drum Boiler to Engineers from GMR Energy, UAIL-Tikiri, OPGC, Hindalco-Hirakud, Hindalco-Muri
- VOCATIONAL Trainings to many engineering students.
- Fire and Safety trainings to many industries in Odisha.